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One click secret method of Hiding files/folder

This is the simple but secret method of hiding any files and folder using BAT extension. We will create 2 bat files hide.bat and unhide.bat Just copy the following codes:

Step 1.
  • Open notepad then paste the following codes
  • save as hide.bat
(note:you can save it to any name but extension must be .bat)

attrib +h +a +s *.*
attrib -h -a -s unhide.bat

Step 2
  • Open note pad, paste following codes
  • save as unhide.bat

attrib -h -a -s *.*

Step 3
After that copy both hide.bat and unhide.bat file to your private folder, where you want to hide files/folder.
Just click hide.bat it will hide everything except unhide.bat And click unhide it will unhide all.

This trick is done using DOS command. You can also remove/copy/move and do lots of things using other DOS commands in the same ways.

1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Nice learning tutorial blog.. thank you for your valuable information.

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