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DOS Lesson 1

1. Dir (Directory)
-This command is used to view a list of all files and folder in the current location.
Syntax: dir
Also we can use dir command with extension according to our use
Dir/p (used to view in page wise format)
Dir/a (used to view files according to its attribute such as H for hidden, S for system and R for read only.)
Also we can search for files according to name and type.
Syntax: dir N*.* (This will only show file names starting with the letter N.
Syntax: dir *.jpg (This will only show jpg files)

2. Cd (Change Directory)
-used to open or close folders in dos.
Syntax: cd folder name
Example: cd windows (this will open windows folder)
Syntax: cd.. (Used to close single folder)
Syntax: cd/ (used to close all folders at once)

3. Md (Make Directory)
-Used to create new folders form dos.
Syntax: md folder name
Example: md city (this will create a folder named city)
Example: md city country college students (this will create 4 folders at once)

4. Rd (Remove Directory)
-Used to delete folders.
Syntax: rd folder name (This will delete any empty folder)
Syntax: rd folder name /s (but to delete a folder with files inside we need to use /s extension)

5. Copy con
-used to create new text files in dos. It cannot be used to edit.
Syntax: copy con filename.txt
Example: copy con city.txt
-then type the all required information.
-To save press F6 and enter.

6. Edit command
-used to create or edit text files.
Syntax: edit filename.txt
(Then type all required information. Then to save click on file>save>exit.)

7. Del
-used to delete files from DOS
Syntax: del filename

8. type
-Used to view text files from dos.
Syntax: type files name.txt
9. cls command
-used to clear screen.

10. Changing drive in dos
-to go from one drive to another type the drive letter followed by a:
Syntax: D: (this will change dos prompt to d drive.)

11. Time : used to change system time

12. Date : used to view or change system date.
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