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DOS Lesson 2

13. Copy
-used to copy paste files from one location to another.
Syntax: copy filename location
Example: copy city.txt d:\town
(This will copy files to town folder in d drive)

14. Move
-Used to cut paste files form one location to another.
Syntax: move filename location
Example: move city.txt e:\student
(this will cut and paste files to student folder in E: drive

15. Format
-Used to format drives from dos.
Syntax: format dirve filesystem
Example: format d: /FS:NTFS
Example: format d: /FS:FAT 32

16. Convert
-Used to convert fat file system
Example: convert D: /FS:NTFS

17. Attrib
-Used to modify file attributes.
H(Hidden), R (Read only), S(System)
(+) means enable
(-) means disable
Example: attrib +h filename (this will make file hidden)
Attrib -h file name (This will make unhide file)

18. Color
-Used to change foreground and background color of DOS.
Example: color 1
Example : color 1A
To view help for color codes use color /?
Example: color /?

19. Ren
-Used to rename files.
Syntax: ren oldname newname
Example:ren city.txt town.txt

20. Chkdsk
-Used t oscan drives for errors.
Example Chkds C:

21. Defrag
-Used to defragment drives from dos.
Example: defrage d:

22. net user command
-Used to creat users from dos.
Syntax: net user username /add (this is used to creat a windows user)
Syntax: net user username password /delete (this is used to delete windows user)

23. Help
-Used to view a list of basic command that can be used in DOS.

24. /?
-Used to get help for specific commands.
Example: dir/? (used to get help for dos)

25. Exit
-Used to close DOS.
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