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Workgroup Networking - Lesson2

Important Setting For IP address

1. In local area connection properties list, the following must always be selected.

ü Client for Microsoft networks

ü File and printer sharing

ü Internet protocol

2. Windows firewall must be turned off. (Control panel)

3. All computers must have same network id.

4. Every computer must have unique (different) host id.

NET SEND command

This is a DOS command used to send messageses to network computers, for checking network connection and also used for chatting and announcement.

For this to functions, all computers must be set with IP address and messenger service must be started.

To start messenger service:

  • Open computer management >services and applications> services>

  • From list open Messenger > select startup-type AUTOMATIC and click on start.

Then go to RUN or CMD

Syntax for command: net send ipaddress message

Example: net send Hello this is ......

(Message will be send to particular computer)

net send * Hello this is ...................................................

(This will send message to all computers)

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